

Poter lill-Poplu

Bilkemm għandi idea fejn jaħbat l-Uzbekistan iżda l-avvenimenti mdemmija ta' dawn l-aħħar jumejn ma ħallewnix bi kwieti. Meta l-poplu jinżel fit-triqat biex jipportesta kontra t-tmexxija tal-gvern tiegħu stess sinjal li hemm problemi serjissmi. Bħalma hu l-każ ta' l-Uzbekistan.

Li ma nistax nifhem hu li l-poplu ħareġ jipprotesta fit-toroq minħabba li qiegħed imut bil-ġuħ, u sadattant dan il-pajjiż mimli riżorsi naturali. Dan sempliċiment ma nistax nifhmu.

M'għandniex xi ngħidu, reġim li għandu reputazzjoni mad-dinja kollha għat-tmexxija despotika tiegħu ma jistax jonqos li jitfa' 'l-poplu tiegħu f'morsa. U b'hekk isseħħ il-vjolenza, it-tixrid tad-demm u l-qtil.

Kontra qalbi jkolli nammetti li stejjer bħal din iġegħluni nirrevedi l-filosofija tiegħi tan-non-vjolenza.


Blogger Antoine Cassar qal/et...

Meħud minn Wikipedja:

Craig Murray (born 17 October 1958) was a British diplomat. He was formerly the United Kingdom's Ambassador to Uzbekistan, until removed from his post on October 14, 2004. While in this office he publicly criticised his host country against the wishes of the British government, an action that he alleges was the reason for his removal. He also privately criticised the UK govenment for committing torture by proxy, that is, sending terrorist suspects to Uzbekistan for their security services to extract intelligence of dubious value; in the phrase he is best known for, he accused his government of "selling our souls for dross".


In October 2002, upon becoming concerned that torture and extra-judicial killings were taking place in Uzbekistan, he made a controversial speech at a human rights conference in Tashkent, in which he claimed that "Uzbekistan is not a functioning democracy" and saying of the boiling to death of two men, "all of us know that this is not an isolated incident." The speech was cleared by the Foreign Office, but not before a dispute over its content. Later, Kofi Annan confronted Uzbekistan president Islam Karimov with Murray's claims.

He was summoned to London and, on 8 March 2003, he was scolded for writing, in a letter to his employers, in response to a speech by George W. Bush, "when it comes to the Karimov regime, systematic torture and rape appear to be treated as peccadilloes, not to affect the relationship and to be downplayed in the international fora ... I hope that once the present crisis is over we will make plain to the US, at senior level, our serious concern over their policy in Uzbekistan."

Murray was removed from his post shortly after a leaked report in the Financial Times quoted him as claiming that MI6 used intelligence gained by the Uzbek authorities by torture. The Foreign Office denied there was any direct connection and stated that Mr Murray had been removed for "operational" reasons. It claimed that he had lost the confidence of senior officials and colleagues. Murray countered that he was a "victim of conscience". "

4:42 am  
Blogger Antoine Cassar qal/et...

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5:28 am  
Blogger Antoine Cassar qal/et...

Ara wkoll:

Dan l-artiklu minn The Guardian

"What drives support for this torturer

Oil and gas ensure that the US backs the Uzbek dictator to the hilt

Craig Murray
Monday May 16, 2005"



5:31 am  

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